We, along with the rest of the world, are glad to see 2020 come to an end. It was a year of stock market crashes and big stock market gains; it was a year of a world plague called Covid-19 and everyone throughout the world sequestered to their homes; it was a year of political turmoil with our nation's presidential election and voter fraud abounding; it was a year of unprecedented signs of the second coming with infestations, earthquakes, floods and war; and it was a year of learning. Learning about Christ and the gospel by studying the Book of Mormon, learning about the gathering of Israel on both sides of the veil and learning to follow our prophet. We have all learned how to conduct and attend Zoom meetings; nothing is live any more it's like a virtual world.
Everyone is now accustomed to wearing a face mask when in public spaces - I still think it's comical to go into a bank with a mask on and sit in Church as the best dressed bandits on earth. A Covid-19 vaccine is available to essential workers and old people and it's giving everyone something to complain about -we can't get our vaccine in a timely manner. It's a first world problem. Some people turned 70 in 2020 - a milestone year.With all of this behind us, we enter 2021. I look forward to Theron catching up to me in age and to getting a vaccination. Wow, that's two goals that I actually may achieve.
January 2, we left for our annual trek to Yuma, Arizona. We hooked up the truck, fifth wheel trailer, and RZR trailer - our own semi-truck length caravan - and headed out. I drove the Tesla; Theron couldn't stand to leave it home parked in the garage. We had a lot reserved so we knew exactly where we would be living this year. Steve and Jackie Duerden were supposed to share the other half of the lot, but they decided last minute to get out of the trailer business and left us alone, except for all their friends that we associate with down here.
A typical Yuma week consists of washing/cleaning on Monday, cards and games Monday afternoon, Tuesday going to lunch or hanging out doing something, Wednesday's are girls shopping day and men golf day, Thursdays are usually a ride over the mountain or someplace and Fridays are volunteering at the food bank. We are going to restaurants to eat and shopping some. We have been to Mexico once and need to go again. I have been buying more metal yard art - Theron has restricted me from going to one of the yard art stores. We also have gone to movies - something we didn't get to do for almost 9 months.This is the Yuma valley with all the beautiful fields of lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and all other kinds of vegetables.
This is the end of the wall in Yuma.

The rocks, ridges, dust, dirt, cactus, ocotillo and sometimes a big horn sheep are the vistas for us on our rides. This has been a fun part of our days in Yuma.
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