October is our month to take the annual rzr trip with our buddies Simonsens, Polls, Monfredis and Davis'. These are folks introduced to us by Steve and Jackie as three of the couples served with them at Heber Valley Girls Camp. Rich and Wendy Poll are Morganites - Rich and I went to school from kindergarten to high school graduation. Davis' joined the group in Yuma.We've had some great adventures and this year in Kanab was no different. Thanks to the group for singing Happy Birthday and enjoying the day with me. By the way, our solar system on the trailer worked marvelously - we didn't use the generator once and we watched all the TV we wanted and kept warm with our electric blanket. Dry camping was great with this system.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Kanab - October 2020
2020 Family Pictures
Shanna - October 30, 2020 - It's the big 70
Big numbers for birthdays are not really fun - they are big numbers. This was my biggest number yet - 70. That means I have lived 20 years longer than half a century. It means I'm two years away from living unto the age of man (3 Nephi 28:2-3) and that age was listed as 72. It means I have seen lots of things from men going to the moon to a self-driving electric car. It means, I'm still alive and can watch my family grow and prosper! Which is what I want the most. Happy birthday to me!
This is what I think of turning 70 and everyone agrees!
Lauren, Brookelyn, Jesse Turn 5
Because these three always share a birthday and will always share a birthday, they will always be listed together. We love them individually and we know they are unique and special individually. Melanee and Curt made this a special day by bringing Elsa and Spider Man to their party and giving each their own special cake.
Lauren likes to learn, write and craft. She's also left-handed!
Brookelyn likes horses - still. She likes watching horse shows on her kindle.
Jesse is a boy. He is rough and tough and tender. He is also a scoring machine at soccer games.
Happy Birthday to Lauren, Brookelyn and Jesse!!!
Kacy Turns 5
I always love what Brittney writes about her children on their birthday. So, I'm going to include this as a tribute to Kacy:
"Kacy is officially 5! She spent the day doing all the things she loves. Eating a donut for breakfast, playing with a friend all day, having a happy meal for lunch and some pasta for dinner! All she wanted was a unicorn scooter, Legos and a Wonder Woman cake! Happy birthday to our sweet caboose! We love you Kacy girl!"
Happy Birthday Kacy!!
I had some time to be indoors and thinking about what to do with my time. I have always thought I could paint and draw (a little). I had thought once a long time ago about going into art, but didn't think I was good enough nor could make any money doing that, so it became a hobby - in the back of my mind.
Neala got me interested in paint-by-number paintings and I have really enjoyed this. After going to Island Park, a thought came into my head and I followed it. Paint small pictures, don't paint to the edge, just do a center painting and let the white space frame the picture. Kind of like a snap shot.
I began looking through my photos and found a couple that I really liked. This led to these that I have finished and displayed:
Family February Birthdays (February 2024)
February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays: February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special. Taylor is attending BYU Idaho ...

February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays: February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special. Taylor is attending BYU Idaho ...
It seems like we have been keeping the road busy this year. In September, we pulled the trailer on a thousand mile journey to Silver Falls ...
I'm so thankful for FaceTime and the technologies we have today that I can call and see our children. This is the most common look of...