We were able to enjoy the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Program at the Conference Center featuring the Muppets. We loved the Bells on Temple Square Concert and the beautiful lights on Temple Square. We tried and tried to travel to St. George for a few days, but that didn't happen. But, we did get to travel to Kaysville and meet and greet ALL of Neala's family - Dan from New York, Karen Ann from South Carolina, and Darren from California. All five of her grandchildren were there as were the spouses. What a great family and what a treat for her and Louie. Louie didn't get to spend too much time because his mother died and he had to travel to New York, but he did have Christmas Day.
Theron and I bought new iPad Air 2 for each other and of course, we opened those way before Christmas.
Cameron got new hockey gear, Taylor's got all camo, Mason got legos and action figures, Ali got a huge doll house, and Tyce got a Talking Elmo. It was a celebration and we all recognized how blessed we are to have each other, to live in a free country, to have an abundance of everything!
Tyce is being patient with grandpa! |
The story this year was that Taylor went shopping with us to pick out a pair of binoculars for Curt (but they were really for him) and he tried out several pair and told us the ones to buy. He was surprised when he opened them on Christmas Day. Way to go - picking out your own Christmas present and being surprised!
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