I suppose this is becoming a yearly event for us in January and February. I regret February because we have so many family birthdays and we are always gone. I wish I knew how to do everything and be everywhere all at once.

This year, we only stayed until mid-February because we are still serving at the FamilySearch Center and also because we had a Costa Rica trip planned with Adrian and Todd. Next year, we have no Church commitments, so it will probably be January, February and into March that we will stay. I get a little bored with the same place, but it's where friends meet and where we stay warm.

This year was the first "riding" of the new RZR and ooooh aaah everyone was impressed. We had a very nice lot to stay in this year and will probably stay there next year. Again, the superbowl party was the big occasion and gleaning the grapefruit trees for the food bank. The Branch is great and very social. The rest of our Yuma trip was pretty much the same as last year - street tacos, Mexico, movie, golfing, riding, and walking. We took a little side trip over to Oatman to see the donkeys and walk the southwestern town.
This was superbowl this year, a screen hung on the wall with cardboard under the speakers for the sound system; redneck all the way.

The sun was shining, the food was great and mucha lota of everything.
This picture is a re-creation of a almost event. One of the guys came up this hill very fast and Theron and I were at the top and saw this huge hole. I just knew he was going to go right into it. This hole is wide enough to swallow the RZR and deep enough to get lodged in.

Wendy and Rich got a new dog this year and brought Mac along to Yuma. Everyone knows me and dogs so the group bought us a stuffed dog we have named 'trailer'. I can pet this one and then he makes wetting sounds.
If I could have take a closer picture, you would see this was a military drone flying right for us. At the last minute, it veered to the side and did a touch and go. A little disconcerting.
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