Theron did a family history book for our family and one of the stories was about my mom playing softball. She found her uniform, which none of us had ever seen, and modeled it for us. The Henefer Shmoos!
Lisa, Christian, Thomas and Heather were down from Washington and it was so good to see them again. With Lisa here, it was time to talk with mom about sealing Inez and Herschel. I know she told us all not to do this, but she needs these blessings and I know that the atonement will make everything work out right. So, on December 20, Lisa, mom, Theron, Adrian and I met at the Ogden Temple and did an endowment session. Dawain met us around 1:00 for lunch at the Temple and at 2:00 we went to the sealing room. Dawain and I were proxies for Inez and Herschel. Mom was then sealed to her parents and Lisa was the proxy for Freida. It was peaceful and was the right thing to do.
It wasn't just three days later that I started bleeding in my bowels and had to go to the hospital for bleeding ulcers. I went to the U of U emergency center near Adrian's. They transported me by ambulance to the U of U Hospital. I stayed over night and the next morning had a scope - yup two bleeding ulcers. The drugs they had given me stopped the bleeding. After talking with the doctor on Christmas eve, he let me go home. We stopped at Marc's to tell him Happy Birthday and then spent Christmas Day just lounging around at Adrian's.
All the kids came and visited - I love my family! It was so fun to see Lauren, Brookie and Jesse open presents. The train set was the hit as were the new earbuds we gave to Cameron and Taylor.
Adrian and Todd enjoyed the boys earbuds.
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