Thursday, November 9, 2017


Our move wasn't too difficult.  We spent a few days up north getting the trailer packed and selecting items we knew we would need and want.  There is still a house full of stuff to either move, sell or give away, but that's for another day.  Why not put it off as long as we can.

Our good friend, Scott Robison, let us use his utility trailer to store our things in while we waited for the house to close.  It worked out so well to have this trailer ready and waiting for us.  Adrian, Todd, Cameron, Taylor came down to help us move.  Curt and Melanee came the next day and helped - even while chasing three kids around the house.

What's really interesting is that we can keep both houses for a while and take our time getting things organized.  Who would ever in their wildest dreams think that we could pay cash for this house and have the other one paid for in full for all these years.  That's incredible to me.

By the way, how many men does it take to attach the TV to the wall?

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