Thursday, November 9, 2017

October Family Pictures to Remember

Memories are made from pictures and stories.  October was a memorable month for the family:
Seldom do we see the Paschal family together.  Cameron is becoming quite independent and wants to do his own thing.  However, a pumpkin patch brought them together.
 This house as Curt's project for over four years.  He wanted to sell it a couple of years ago, but it just didn't happen, until this October!  The picture below tells the whole story.
 The Curt and Melanee Schaefermeyer family pictures for 2017.

 Yeah, it's the hair!
 The Marc and Brittney Schaefermeyer family picture for 2017.
 I leave you with the best picture I have ever had taken.  Pickleball is not for old people who think they can go after any low flying fast ball.  The shoe stopped, the body and face did not.  It's a fat lip that turned black and blue and lots of rash scars up the nose and scratched the glasses.  I'll heal with love from Theron.

You Meet Relatives in the Least Expected Way

At Church a couple of weeks ago, we sat in front of a new couple.  Because our ward is always changing, we have learned to introduce ourselves to everyone.  This couple was just visiting and lived in Mapleton and had a park model at Twin Lakes.  Mapleton?  They saw our missionary name badges and asked if we knew Jeannie Bradshaw?  Jeannie? Yes.  They were here back yard neighbors, Brent and Kay Finch, and knew Aunt Jen Schaefermeyer, Jeannie's mother when she lived with Jeannie.  That's how they knew the Schaefermeyer name.  Small world.

They mentioned they were going ATV riding on Monday and we invited ourselves.  They attended our family history class and recognized the Spendlove name when I pulled up my family tree.  Kay's grandmother is a sister to Leland Spendlove's wife, Lavora Garner.  She knew Joy Spendlove Hunt, my dad's neice.  Leland is the brother to my grandfather, Melvin.  Small world.  The Spendlove family was never very close so to meet a relative is a miracle.  (Kay is in the middle.)

We did go on an ATV ride up Pine Mountain and had a great time.  Interesting that I have met so many relatives while living here.

Halloween and Grandma is now 67

We were still getting settled and so didn't make it up north for the Halloween celebrations this year.  Thanks kids for all the pictures to help us be a part of this fun holiday.

The best costume has to go to Tyce - the big bad wolf.  We laughed at this and he has the adorable way of wearing it!

The lovely princess and mad hatter.
Three little monkeys - no jumping on the bed.

This is the only picture I have of what it's like to be 67:

Lauren, Brookelyn and Jesse Turn Two

This is the year of two year olds in our family, there are four of them!  Wow, what a year we have to look forward to.  Lauren, Brookelyn and Jesse are growing so fast and each exhibit their personality in very different ways.  What a challenge and opportunity Curt and Melanee have.
 Brookie wanted a dolly.
 Lala likes animals.
 Jesse needed a truck.
Yup, they will never have a single birthday, it will always be three - all for one and one for all!

Kacy Marie turns 2

What a darling young lady Kacy is.  She turned two this year and exhibits a mind of her own doing it all with a smile and a look of innocence.

I love this picture of Kacy at my mom's house; every kid has learned to love and know this cat.


Our move wasn't too difficult.  We spent a few days up north getting the trailer packed and selecting items we knew we would need and want.  There is still a house full of stuff to either move, sell or give away, but that's for another day.  Why not put it off as long as we can.

Our good friend, Scott Robison, let us use his utility trailer to store our things in while we waited for the house to close.  It worked out so well to have this trailer ready and waiting for us.  Adrian, Todd, Cameron, Taylor came down to help us move.  Curt and Melanee came the next day and helped - even while chasing three kids around the house.

What's really interesting is that we can keep both houses for a while and take our time getting things organized.  Who would ever in their wildest dreams think that we could pay cash for this house and have the other one paid for in full for all these years.  That's incredible to me.

By the way, how many men does it take to attach the TV to the wall?

Selling Cherokee Springs and the Balloon Festival in New Mexico

Just two weeks before we moved into our home, we sold the lot at Cherokee Springs.  What a tender mercy that we sold the lot, could pull our home with us to the Balloon Festival in Albuquerque, New Mexico and come home just in time to move in.

The lot in Cherokee served us well this past year.  It is nice to be out of the tiny house living mode.  I walk around the house and wonder how I lived in such confined quarters for so long.  It's nice to have light and space.

New St George Home (June 26, 2017 to Move in October 20, 2017)

This blog post is going to be rather long and I'm updating it throughout the whole building process.  BRIO - the name of the new subdivision we will be living in.  Our new home is not underway and all preliminary paperwork has been done for the build.  Our new address is:  948 N Via Del Medio, Washington, Utah.

It was April 5, 2017, when we wrote the 10% check to begin the process of permitting and building this house.  We then patiently waited 11 weeks for them to begin construction.

We remember the date of the first construction work on the property; it was Todd's birthday, June 26.  They dug the ditches for the footings and poured the footings concrete.

On July 11, we finally saw continuing work - forms for the house walls were built.

Who knows how long until the plumbing and other work starts??

In just one week, we went from no pipes to full floor compaction - July 18 they compacted the main house floor.  We passed the plumbing inspection and now it's full speed ahead.

Once these footings got dug, this house went up rather quickly.  We are now into September and here is what has happened.  We have struggled and thought and figured about financing and finally determined to just pay for it!  Can't go wrong with a real estate investment.
Here are the August happenings:

We are now at the rock and green stucco stage - September 11, 2017.
Once they started this build, it went pretty fast.  These are some photos of the finishing stages:
 This kitchen cabinets turned out really nice and I love the granite we selected.  The laminate floor is very nice and waterproof!
 This is the final landscaping activity.
This is the finished house.  Before we could use the garage, Theron sealed the floor.  Melanee told us they could live in the garage.  No way!  Look how "Shiny" it is!
The light is so nice in the mornings when we get the sun in the large windows.  What a blessing to be able to purchase this house.  I love it!
Welcome Home to 948 N Via Del Medio, Washington, UT  84780 
Come visit!

Family February Birthdays (February 2024)

 February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays: February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special.  Taylor is attending BYU Idaho ...