The wind started blowing in Cedar City and we were pretty set on just getting off the road before we blew over. When the Cove Fort sign appeared, we said, okay we made it, we're staying the night.
Not only were we now going to spend the night there, but the 10 missionary couples were having a St. Patrick's Day dinner - corned beef, potatoes, cabbage, green cake, and so forth and we were invited! What a treat to attend a senior missionary party. Everyone we met was so great and the site director has invited us back to give a Monday evening fireside on our humanitarian mission experiences.
Around the next bend is always an adventure and this one was a sweet one. It touched our hearts as we heard of the many and varied missionary experiences of the couples. No matter where the Lord sends you, it's always the right spot in his vineyard.
Cove Fort was built and settled by Ira Hinckley, Gordon B. Hinckley's grandfather. It was never a protection fort, except from elements. It was a relay station for travelers and housed the post office and a telegraph office. They have many of the original furnishings. As you travel I-15, take the mile drive over to Cove Fort and visit.
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