Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Annual Spendlove Christmas Party

On one of the Saturdays of December, the Spendlove Family gathers at the Henefer fire station for an annual family Christmas Party.  One of the families is the host and everyone else brings side dishes galore. 

This year it was mother and father Spendlove's turn to host.  The fare was sloppy joes, salads, chips, and my contribution is eclairs.  The children exchange a present and everyone participates in giving the best dollar gift imaginable.  We always pass the gifts and laugh at who doesn't know their right from their left or who can't count to five.  It's a time that we can all gather and the young cousins can see each other for another year - there are certainly getting to be more and more of them.

Linda always gives each family a calendar with the names of each person's birthday written on it.  This year she made table runners for each family.  How she finds time to get this all done is beyond me, and it is appreciated.

It's not expected but most of the "original" family members give a little gift - candy, nuts, and Triple D pens and lights.  It's never about the gift, it's about the season and about the giving.  I'm glad we are all together and that we still want to get together to be a family.

This year Denzil will have to change is employment or truck runs because of the new California emissions.  We thank all who donated to the cause.

Jana is still working on her Temple altar cover. :)  Alison will be doing a service project in Ghana, Africa.  We can't wait to hear about this experience.

Linda added a driver to her insurance, Josh.  Matthew still likes a hug from everyone.

Jonathan was home from his Marine training and will be leaving for Afghanistan in January.  Fortunately, he works with the finances and his mission is to gather up the stuff the US has left there.  We will be praying for him.

Janeil had all of her family at the party and Evie and Braiden are getting very grown up.

Lisa was missed but her heart was there.

We added a new member, Melanee and hope to add more in the future.  Ali got some dress-up shoes and a tiara.  She poses so well for an almost three year old.

Merry Christmas to all and a special prayer for a wonderful new year.

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