Dad and I left for his Grand Canyon hike with Dave Cope and Dave's 2 cousins. It was on the bucket list and he had been preparing and worrying. We took the scenic route through Manti and all the little towns; it was rather a quaint drive. We spent the night at Big Rock Candy Mountain in Marysvale.
Oct 8
We arrived at Jacob Lake near the North Rim of the Grand Canyon about noonish. We decided to park the trailer and go look at the trail head. The canyon facilities were closed because of a government shutdown - our dollars can't be spent on looking you know. Because of this everyone was being directed to the dirt roads and trail looks. Well, after driving around for about 2 hours, we found the place and Theron took a quick look. We hopped in the truck and hadn't driven more than five miles when -- a stranded mini van full of Columbia born tourists sat stranded with a flat tire.
We stopped to help and grandma could not thank us enough, she had been praying to the holy ghost for us to come. Dad helped fix the flat tire after determining how to get it out of the tire mount under the car, and we loaded half in our truck and followed the limping minivan to the overlook site we had just visited.
Oct 9
The phone calls began between Theron and GM. He knew the truck was not drivable and so they sent a tow truck from St. George. We didn't know what the problem was so I packed some clothes and Theron grabbed his pack and stuff for the hike and we rode to St. George with the tow truck. We left the truck for about an hour and went to lunch and when we returned, they showed us that the left rear wheel was being held on by 4 little bolts on the caliper. Oh joy. The dealership would have to get an entire rear-end and in further discussion, it would be about a week or more. Now What? I was staying in St. George.
Collin and Kathy were in St. George and they drove Theron to Kanab where we met with Dave Cope and the others. Theron then returned to Jacob Lake and they stayed in our trailer.
Oct 10
The day to begin the hike. The group awoke to 6 inches of newly fallen snow. Not to be deterred, they put on their warmest clothing and back packs and started out. The further down they went the warmer the weather. They actually hiked almost to the bottom this day even though they got off to a late start. Dave's knee would not take anymore so he and Theron camped the night at Thunder Falls - a large spring that comes out of the canyon wall.
Oct 11
Theron and Dave hiked out this day. Not bad for two old fellows, down one day, out the next. They stayed in our trailer that night and the others went on down the trail.
Driving to start the hike. |
The four hikers |
Camped for the night |
Oct 12
Dave drove Theron to St. George and dumped him off. Well, I was glad to see he had survived and that all was well with him. Now the discussions about how to get the trailer to St. George, get the rental car, what are we going to do for the rest of the week, and so forth.
The fellow that owns Temple View RV agreed to go get the trailer for us. We drove back home for the remainder of the week and on Thursday of the following week, Theron went to St. George and retrieved our truck. All that is left is getting GM to pay for the towing of the trailer and the storage we hadn't counted on.
A true Schaefermeyer trip except there were no cow pies only inconvenience. All is well.
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