Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Family February Birthdays (February 2024)

 February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays:

February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special.  Taylor is attending BYU Idaho and studying business and recreation.  We love his smile and now his big hugs!!  Happy Birthday Dude.

February 13 - Brittney - One of our favorite daughters-in-law.  Wow, its hard to keep up with all you do - teaching special education classes at your kids elementary school, working with your doctor and running his office, being a mother to four kids that go twenty different directions each day, and supporting Marc.

February 18 - Ali Jo - Our family actress.  She can sing, dance, and act.  It is delightful to see you develop your talents.  Love and Kisses Ali!!!

February 18 - Tyce - You are the man - that can talk fast, think quick, jump high, and love unconditionally.  Keep it up Tyce.  Love you lots and lots.

February 27 - Melanee - One of our favorite daughters-in-law.  You are such a spiritual strength to your family.  Keep raising those cute kids and you cute husband.  They need your strength.  Happy Birthday Mel!!! We love you.

Happy Birthday CURT - January 11, 2024


I'm so thankful for FaceTime and the technologies we have today that I can call and see our children.  This is the most common look of Curt - working.  He even has his glasses on.

We love you Curt.  We love your calm manner when taking care of tragedies and food and triplets.  We love your fun spirit and quick wit.  We  love your compassion. 

Happy Birthday son.

MOM - Happy 91st Birthday - January 18, 2024

 A life of ups and downs, forwards and backwards, and fun and tragedy.  That kind of sums up my mother's life.  She turned 91 this year and her health is not the best right now.  Her kidneys are failing.

I called and talked with her, she was having a little cake and ice cream that Rodney took to the assisted living.

This is the last picture that I have.  Our tragedy will be one month later.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

A New Year - 2024

 As with all new years, I approach it with some goals in mind and expecting changes to occur in both our life and the lives of our family.  I'm writing this post knowing that significant changes will occur this year.  Having said that, some things will remain the same.

We again left for our three month stay in Yuma, Arizona.  We enjoy our friends and time there.  We were not disappointed this year.

As always, there were times of fun, shopping, travel, and just relaxation.  I didn't get sick this year - yeah! We enjoyed the many rides on the RZR and the beautiful flowers in the desert this year because of the many rainstorms.

We also had a great trip to San Diego with Brett and Lori, Rich and Wendy, and Glen and Christie.
These are from the San Diego Zoo - lions, tigers, bears, and elephants.
We saw a Cheetah race up close and personal.

The Kangaroos were just sleepy, but they can jump.
We also visited Sea World and the Mormon Battalion Museum.  The last pictures of the giraffes and kangaroos were from Safari Land just outside of San Diego.

A special treat was for Craig and Judy and Collin and Kathy to come visit for a week.  It was travel to Mexico, the wall, shop, and play games.
Again, we left the last week in March and returned to wonderful St. George.  Another year in the book.

Family February Birthdays (February 2024)

 February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays: February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special.  Taylor is attending BYU Idaho ...