Monday, April 8, 2024

Happy Birthday to Marc --- Number 44 - What? When did that happen?

 Christmas isn't Christmas at our house until we celebrate the birth of our baby boy, Marc.  This year he turned 44, and still has his youth enthusiasm for life.

With all our love, Marc.  Happy Birthday!!!!

And to all a good night.  What a wonderful end to 2023.

Christmas 2023

 This December was a back and forth drive for plays, baptisms, Cameron's homecoming, Marc's birthday and Christmas.  That is what the month of December is all about -- Family and Christ.  We celebrated it all this year.  These are times I wouldn't give up for anything.

I love the lights of Christmas; I love the spirit of love the prevails; I love our family times; and I love Christ.  I am so grateful for his birth, his atonement, his resurrection, his life, his example.

This year was especially fun because Theron and I got to take the younger grandchildren to the Aquarium and hang out for a day together.  I have to think of ways to be together because we don't have a home up north anymore to come to, to bake cookies or make gingerbread houses - guess we've been there and done that.

It was also special to have Cameron home.  Together at last, all of us.

Everyone got plenty of presents and good cheer.

and Christ was celebrated!!!

Lauren, Brookelyn, and Jesse Schaefermeyer - 8 years old - October 13, 2023

The last of our grandchildren, Lauren, Brookelyn and Jesse, turned 8 years old on October 13, 2023.  These are three very special children in our family and we are eternally grateful for their decision to be baptized.  This means that all of Theron and my children and grandchildren have been baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is the first step onto the Covenant Path.  Continue firm in the faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

They were baptized on December 2, 2023, by their father, Curt.  I think this jump for joy says it all.

Family February Birthdays (February 2024)

 February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays: February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special.  Taylor is attending BYU Idaho ...