2023 is a year of four important birthdays and baptisms. Kacy is the first of the four. Her birthday was on the 5th of October and on Saturday, the 7th, she was baptized by her father, Marc. A glorious day and one we are eternally grateful for. Kacy is such a sweet young lady.
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Kacy Marie Schaefermeyer - 8 years old - October 5, 2023
To the Baltics - Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, France, England, and the Netherlands (September 2023)
Theron and I were talking one day about what we wanted to do for our 50th wedding anniversary (which will be in 2024). I had never been to the Baltics and with the war in Ukraine and Russia and unrest in the Middle East, we thought that might be a good safe place. In mentioning this to our neighbors, Steve and Marlene Harker, they said they had just booked a cruise to go exactly where we wanted and they could get us a great deal - done! We were going to celebrate early.
On September 11, 2023, we left St. George and flew to Copenhagen, Denmark. We spent an extra two days there before we caught our boat to sail away. I was fascinated by the canals:
Harkers went with us and neither of us had any Euros. We always use a card but in this small town on the coast, they don't take cards. We didn't realize this until after we had, had our street waffle and ice cream. Steve and Theron had to walk 3 miles to an ATM to get some Euros to pay. Yea, we almost missed our train to go back.
These are pictures from the Cutty Sark ship. They have a museum with replicas of all the ship mascots that ride on front. What a variety, including Theron.
This is a World War II ammunition bunker built by Germany. It has pictures of what the town looked like before the Germans bombed it. What wasted destruction.
The red house is where the waffle making class was held.
This picture was taken showing the bombings in Amsterdam during World War II. The child alone symbolizes the devastation.
Family February Birthdays (February 2024)
February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays: February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special. Taylor is attending BYU Idaho ...

February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays: February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special. Taylor is attending BYU Idaho ...
It seems like we have been keeping the road busy this year. In September, we pulled the trailer on a thousand mile journey to Silver Falls ...
I'm so thankful for FaceTime and the technologies we have today that I can call and see our children. This is the most common look of...