Sunday, April 25, 2021

News from the Family March and April 2021

 I've never been much of a gun person, but I felt it was time to buy a gun.  We bought two .22 caliber pistols.  This is mine; a 1911 Browning.  Just a little gun for my little hands.

Kacy lost her first tooth in March.  She is very proud.
Just this last week, April 23rd, Kacy participated in her first dance competition.  Wow, what a beautiful young lady.  Does she have to grow up so quickly?
It was hat day at pre-school for Lauren, Brookelyn and Jesse.  It's been fun to hear them read, also.  They call me on Facetime and read to me.  They are certainly ready for kindergarten.  Jesse is playing baseball, the girls are playing basketball.  Curt said that Brookie dunked the ball at their last game.
The end of March, the house next door to us (south - Terry and Annette's) went up for sale.  Anita and Carol have been looking for a home to build or buy for over 6 months and so we had them rush down.  It was one in Brio they had considered building - until the lot bidding process went into effect.  So, because we knew Larsen's we were able to get them a preferred buyer status.  That didn't stop the price bidding on the home.  Within 24 hours, there were 30 bids, 10 were more or less cash offers.  The final price was $625,000.  That's ridiculous for this home, but that's the market today.  Too many California and Washington buyers coming in with cash and escalating the prices.  Anyway, they are going to be our next door neighbors.  They move in May 27.  Welcome neighbors.
Adrian and Todd are taking the boys to CanCun in mid-May.  She can't wipe the smile off Cameron and Taylor's faces because the trip came with scuba diving lessons.  It's a dream come true.

Wrapping Up Yuma for 2021

 The girls decided we wanted to take the rzrs out for a "just girls" drive.  We just went in some small foothills, but it was lots of fun.  All the men were nervous because in a couple of days we were going to travel to Ocotillo Springs, California, on a very long ride.  They did not want to fix anything.  We didn't either, so we were careful.

These are just some fun pictures of our girl ride:

From left to right:  Wendy Poll, Christy Davis, Sue Adams, Kathryn Monfredi, Lori Simonsen, Me, Rozanne Christensen.

This may look like an accident waiting to happen, but it's just getting Wendy up from sitting on the ground; she couldn't get up on her own!!!

Our last big ride was Ocotillo Springs.  These are some pictures from that ride and our last 2021 Yuma fling.

Theron is standing in the Pumpkin Patch.  All the rocks are round.  A little like Goblin Valley.
As you can see, the landscape is rocky, dusty, and dry - much like most of California right now.
Every good group has to line up for the photo op. Ours is 6th from the left.


Family February Birthdays (February 2024)

 February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays: February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special.  Taylor is attending BYU Idaho ...