February and March:
I posted slightly about the spread of Covid-19 a coronavirus that is causing a pandemic around the world, but I need to say a little more. The main reason for this pandemic is that there is no vaccination or medication that is available to the masses. If you get this virus, you ride it out or die. It's a respiratory virus so there is a shortage of ventilators and hospital beds throughout the world and now it is invading the US. This past week, all government offices are closed, the public schools are closed and the kids are learning at home by 'distance education.' (Interesting, 20 years ago I was fighting a battle with professors at SLCC to embrace this method of teaching and learning. Now, it is saving our education. I've always felt a little ahead of my time.)
There is a mad dash at grocery stores to buy canned goods, breads, cereals, and of all things toilet paper. How grateful I am that we have followed the prophets and accumulated at least a two to three month supply of food and dry good products. Everyone has been asked throughout the US to suspend travel and limit social gatherings to 10 people. Two weeks ago, the Church suspended all sacrament meetings, has closed Temples to live endowments only, closed visitor centers, and pulled missionaries out of such places as South Korea, Japan, Asia, Africa and Italy. These are interesting times. Times we have looked forward to in the scriptures in the last days.
March 18, 2020
In addition to the pandemic, Salt Lake and surrounding vicinities experienced a 5.7 earthquake with the epicenter in Magna. Curt called us at 7:15, just after the earthquake. He was really anxious and now they have a 72 hour kit in their car ready to go. There have been over 100 aftershocks some as big as 4.6. Crazy day today and crazy month.
March 30, 2020
Between the 18th and today, everyone is under a "stay safe, stay home" order and the COVID-19 virus is alive and well throughout the entire world. It started in China, is very prevalent in Italy, Europe and Africa. Here in the US, large cities are quarantined, small business and restaurants are closed. If you eat out, it is take-out only. All of the grocery stores are running out of food and especially toilet paper. Why toilet paper? No one really knows, but you can't get it anywhere and people are just doing fright buying. They are getting anything that looks like others want it off the shelves and into their carts.
Yesterday, the prophet asked us to fast and pray for the world and a worldwide fast was held. We are having the sacrament in our own homes. I am so thankful that Theron, Curt, Marc and Todd are worthy priesthood holders so they can conduct the sacrament. All church meetings and any gathering over 10 people are kind of prohibited. There is no marshal law, but everyone is social distancing and trying to stay as close to home as possible.
General conference will be technology only with the setting in a small theater in the basement of the Conference Center. Only the first presidency and speakers will be in attendance at each meeting. All music is pre-recorded. In lots of ways, I am really looking forward to Conference. We need the peace and counsel that will be given.
April 18, 2020:
General Conference was wonderful. All of the Church participated in the Hosanna Shout for the restoration of the gospel to Joseph Smith. This conference celebrated the 200th anniversary of the first vision. A new proclamation about the truths of the restoration and the Book of Mormon was issued. A new logo using the Christus was introduced. Faith, hope and peace were given to us through the brethren.
The "corona pandemic" is still alive and well. Much of the country and the world in fact is shut down and an uncertain feeling of doom invades many homes. All of our children still are well; they all have their jobs intact. We are doing very well. Our quarterly allotment of money is sufficient and we are saving money on utilities. We have a good supply of food. I am feeling rather lonely because we can't visit family. I love hugging these little ones and talking face-to-face --- yes, me the recluse.
President Nelson asked the world to fast and pray and on Good Friday we held this special fast. Miracles will happen, I have faith.
April 28, 2020
On May 1, it will be 40 days since we have been asked to stay home and stay safe. This is significant in scripture - 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, 40 days of Christ's fast, and so forth. With this much time, there has to be some learning. Here's a list of things I think I have learned from this pandemic:
1. Physical hugs are important. The last time we saw our grandchildren, we couldn't hug them because we didn't want to transmit any illness. I miss these hugs.
2. I'm grateful we have followed the prophets counsel to store some food and money. Twice our investment into indexed annuities have saved us. We don't gain much but we are still solvent. I haven't even made a good dent in our food storage.
3. I'm glad our home is paid for. So many will be struggling for years with back mortgage payments. I'm glad our children are living within their means, also.
4. I have noticed more the bias in our news reports. The death and overcrowded hospitals, etc. is a factor of large cities like New York. They seem to drive how the rest of the country should go. Not true. We are made of 50 unique states and no one should dictate shutdowns and opening.
5. The world has a herd mentality. I like Joseph Smith's motto - I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves. Too many people can't think rationally; they are afraid to voice a contrary opinion.
6. Life and our economy are fragile. It's amazing what a small little microbe can do to the world. Lots more devastation than an isolated earthquake or flood. These are too localized.
7. Prophets rule. I'm glad we have prophets who are sane and rational.
8. I miss going to Church. I didn't think I was that social of a person, but I miss the smiling faces, the talks, the spirit, and all of it.
9. I can remain worthy even when I'm not going to Church. I think I have found that my testimony is my foundation. I'm not going to throw it away when a trial comes.
10. I love Theron. We tease each other about the need to go on splits, but we do things together. We have even studied the scriptures better now than before.
It appears that the stores, movies, and hair salons (pedicures especially) will be opening next week. I hope these small businesses make it. This has been a very trying time for everyone throughout all the world. It was not isolated.