Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Three Four-Year Old Birthdays - Lauren, Brookelyn, Jesse

Because they were born on the same day, they will always be three.  This year those three are four-years old.  They have boundless energy, they are always aware of each other and they are talkative plus!  It has been amazing watching them develop all the social, verbal and mental skills that they have acquired in just four years.

 The chart from the doctor says it all.  There are three, but they are not alike.  They are three unique, loving, boisterous, happy children.

Happy Birthday Lauren
Happy Birthday Brookelyn
Happy Birthday Jesse

Love Grandma and Pa

Another Solar House in the Family

When we returned from our cruise and celebrated Kacy's birthday, Theron also helped Curt install 11 solar panels on his house.  It's all wired and ready to go as soon as Rocky Mountain Power installs a new meter.

His plan is to generate enough solar to put him in the cheaper tier for power costs.  Let the sun shine!!!

October 5, 2019 - Kacy Marie's Birthday

Where did four years go?  Kacy Marie is getting so grown up.  She knows what she wants and how she wants things.  As Brittney wrote, "This girl loves all things unicorn and mermaid.  She is all girl with her love of makeup and skirts with every outfit.  Kacy brings a lot of sunshine to our home.  She loves to cuddle with her mom."  We know that she is the twinkle in her dad's eye.

Brittney made a wonderful unicorn cake and the family had a great time celebrating this smiley little one.

Happy Birthday and love and kisses, Grandma and Grandpa

A Few Days in the Life of Taylor

The young grandchildren usually send the most pictures and get the most attention in this blog.  However, Taylor, our second grandchild; the six-foot tall, 15 year old, macho dude is the focus of this blog.

His mother and dad gave him permission to group date before he turned 16; some big high school dance.  What a good looking young man.

Taylor is on the Herriman High mountain biking team and has been riding all over the place this year.  I think his final ranking in the state was 130 or so out of a gizillion kids.  Way to go Taylor, so proud.

A few days after the state mountain biking meet, Taylor had to have four wisdom teeth pulled.  Mr. swollen face.  He has now lost all his wisdom; better rely on prayer and help from a higher source.

New England Cruise

The end of September and first part of October, we went on another cruise with Jackie and Steve Duerden.  We had never really been through the northeast and had always talked about going to see the fall leaves - although we saw some beautiful ones when we lived in Chicago. 

This was a little 10-day cruise starting in New York and ending in Quebec.  We stopped at Newport, Rhode Island; Boston; St. John's Bay, New Brunswick; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Prince Edward Island, and Quebec. 

Leaving New York harbor was very delightful.  This is quite a city.

We spent a day looking through all the mansions in Newport Beach, Rhode Island and even took a little time to walk the shoreline.  Wow, some summer homes for the Vanderbilts and other wealthy families.  This little harbor is typical of the ones we visited throughout Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Looking out over Cadillac Mountain to the shore.
There were plenty of lighthouses to see.  We also go to watch them fishing for oysters.  The fishermen have two long poles with a rake on the end and they use them like chop sticks to bring up the oysters from the bottom of the bay.  No Canada trip would be complete without Mounted Police in their red uniforms.  

On Prince Edward Island, we visited the Edison museum and the Green Gable House.  Theron enjoyed sitting on a deck chair replica from the Titanic museum we went to and making his famous salute at a Canadian Citadel.

 With my love walking down lover's lane from the story of Anne of Green Gables.

A Little Hospital Time

I had just enjoyed a luau at the Brio Clubhouse, helped clean up, and walked home.  Two hours later, I was wretching and had diarrhea and didn't know what was happening.  After spending a very restless night, I got up around 5:30 a.m. to use the bathroom and well - bloody stool.  Okay, Theron, it's time to go to the hospital and see what's wrong.  After running several tests in the ER, they had me transferred to a short-term patient care room (Not quite in the hospital, but still part of the ER.) and the diagnosis came back that I had a generic e-coli.  I was to stay over night.  I can honestly say that I have never been that sick with anything.  The cramps, the bloody stool, not being able to eat, drinking from an IV.  Don't know where or when it took residency in my body, but I'm certainly glad it's gone.

Jesse had a second eye surgery and he enjoyed it up to coming out of the anesthesia.  He gets a little combative.  His eye seems to be doing very well and we hope no more surgeries.


Theron's brother, Kendall, will be 86 years old this November.  He has had some congestive heart problems, breathing problems and is now very limited in his driving distances.  He does still have a heart for adventure.  We have wanted to bring him down to St. George to see our home and Theron wanted to take him on an ATV ride.  He has ridden on the old quads, but never in a side-by-side.

We bought him a ticket on the St. George Shuttle to come down on September 12 and stay with us for a couple of days.  Kendall was in his element the whole day.  Traveling to places he had driven through in his younger days, seeing the growth of St. George, enjoying the discovery center at the FamilySearch Center and going "gaga" over the technology there, and just relaxing by our pool.  He loved the patio and pool area and in the mornings I would find him out there reading or doing facebook on his phone.  I just kept thinking how he would have enjoyed living down here in his earlier years.

Doesn't this picture say it all?  Kendall just looking out over the vista.

 Kendall was flashing pictures all day long.

On the 13th, we invited Robin Schaefermeyer who lives in Cedar City, Nunleys, Davis', and Poulsens to ride the Virgin River with us.  It was a fun trip.  Kendall just couldn't get over how neat these new ATVs are, 'Dad would have really enjoyed these,' he would tell Theron.  He even had strength and air to hike a slot canyon.

So glad we could do this for him.  We just never know when our last ride or trip will be, so we need to enjoy every moment.

Happy Trails, Kendall

Family February Birthdays (February 2024)

 February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays: February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special.  Taylor is attending BYU Idaho ...