The family has been busy and so have we so I just need a few pages to catch up on what was happening in the spring and summer.
First, Cameron went on his first official date, the junior prom. He has turned into handsome.

This next picture is the Dixie Arena where we attended and helped with the area youth indexing event. During the week of the event, the youth indexed over 250,000 names. It was awesome.

The kids enjoyed the pool while dad worked on installing the solar panels. I love all the stickers on the panels. We are definitely identified.
As soon as we came home from our around the world trip, we planted our garden. It looks great now and it did produce some tomatoes and peppers this year. We are learning.

We always love when Adrian has tickets to Tuacahn because she comes to visit, of course it doesn't take much to bring her and Taylor down. We enjoyed the hike over to Paradise and touring the old Church there.

It was up north for us to Kacy's pre-school graduation and some - well called on account of rain baseball with Tyce and Mason.

Marc was at Maker Faire in San Francisco, but all the rest of his family attended their little Kacy's graduation. I love the pink boots!
This picture of the triplets is precious and we hope they will be called on missions.
Grandma and Grandpa had a great time staying with Mason, Ali, Tyce and Kacy while mom and dad went to Boston. Always good to see the parents do something for themselves.