Friday, August 30, 2013


So this morning Brittney had to report for jury duty.  She tells the kids that she has to go to the courthouse because somebody did something bad.  I stayed home to help out with the kids.  Mason said that he wanted muffins for breakfast so he and Ali helped me make them.
As we sat at the table I said, "Let's say the prayer." And Mason raised his hand and said "I'll say it dad!"  We all folded our arms and Mason proceeded to say the prayer.
"Dear Heavenly Father.  Thank you for the blueberries, the raspberries, and the blackberry muffins.  Please bless mom that she can go to the Big House."

It is a difficult task to remain reverent when you hear something like that.
Needless to say Brittney was dismissed from jury duty and when she got home Mason asked her "Mom, so how Big was the House?"
We think that he might be getting confused between "Courthouse" and "Bear in the Big Blue House"

(Keep them coming Mason, it lightens our day.)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Camping in the Uintahs with Cameron and Taylor

Adrian used her vacation, well her days of doing fun things with the kids, to go to girl's camp.  Theron and I got to opportunity to be with Cameron and Taylor for an entire week.  Being the good grandparents that we are, we took the boys to the Uintahs where our trailer was parked and let them chop wood, make fires, drive the Ranger, haul wood, make fires, roast marshmallows, and so forth.

I think they had a great time.  We rented National Treasure 2 and they only watched it four times - always in the evenings.  After playing and working hard all day it was a wonder that they could stay awake but they did.

It was fun to see Cameron learn how to split logs with the splitting maul and wedge.  He got so he could make a small log split in just one or two hits.  Taylor had a great time finding tinder and other burnable items and making small fires - in a safe environment.

These are two great boys and it was fun being grandparents for a week.  We did take a break one day and traveled over to Provo River Falls.  They are really quite nice.

June 21, 2013 -- The Wedding

On June 14 of this year, we celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary.  Curt has been with us for 35 of those years and today, June 21, 2013, he was going to leave us and start his own family. 

The wedding day was bright and sunny, we gathered at the Bountiful Temple for the 10 a.m. sealing and the sealing room was full with friends and family to celebrate this event.  We had asked Elder Gary J. Coleman to be the sealer and it was wonderful to see him again.  Temple sealing ceremonies are not long events, but they are eternally meaningful and this was no exception.  A few short words and your life is changed forever -- literally.

I had all kinds of emotions wash over me especially the most sacred of having joy and rejoicing in our posterity as we were promised those many years ago.  How wonderful for all of us to be in the Temple.  I will always remember the day Theron and I were married, my mother wanted to be in the Temple with us, but she did not have a recommend.  What joy it is for her to have been a witness in Marc and Brittney's wedding and now in Curt and Melanee's wedding.  She is the most precious person there at this time in my mind.

Theron and Zoonie (Melanee's father) were the witnesses.  I'm so glad we have kept our Temple covenants all of these years and hope we continue in years to come. 

It is important to remember this wedding in pictures, so below are several that illustrate our time at the Temple after the ceremony.

Thanks always to my Brother Dawain and his wife Jana and to Lisa and Christian who traveled so far.

Curt's friends that always stood beside him.

The bridesmaids

Oh how lovely is our family!!!

Family February Birthdays (February 2024)

 February is our family birthday month with FIVE birthdays: February 3 - Taylor - Dude, you are so special.  Taylor is attending BYU Idaho ...